Tuesday 9 December 2008

oops, it's been a while...


I should really apologise for not getting this done about 2.5 months ago, there is no reason to think I am living in the middle of nowhere, I am just so lazy and preoccupied with the trivialities and ridiculous issues of my daily life that not a whole hell of thought has really gone into updating this blog. My apologies, rest assure after a couple months at my site things i'll start to settle in and be a little more regular, but there are one or two things that I say before I get on with it; Life in Mongolia is both fascinating and frustrating because it is so amasing but at the same time it will certainly "do your head in"....I must admit that sometime over the last few months I have thought, "hey I'm sure some people would be interested in hearing what's going on..." I'm sure that might be the case, nevertheless, I am here and available....finally, I am able to recognise that this needs to be updated regularly and I shall supply you with a serious update tomorrow when I am back at school and not taking up my friends Internet time on his newly arrived Internet...rest assured I am alive and well and learning as well as attempting to teach some very odd and peculiar aspects of the English language. Hopefully in the last two months I have actually learnt how to type a little more legibly as well. I'll speak to you all quite soon and promise to make tomorrow a more interesting and verbally stimulating read....cheerio x

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